Grinchmas Holiday Blend Label Printable: Digital Download


For all my DIY folks out there, create your own projects using our Grinchmas Holiday Blend Label Printable File!


For all my DIY folks out there, create your own projects using our Grinchmas Holiday Blend Label Printable File!
Instant download design in JPG and PDF format.
Note: THIS IS A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD. NOTHING will be shipped.You will receive the pattern(s) in the photo. Message me PRIOR to purchase with any and all inquiries. Digital Purchases are Non-Refundable.
~1 JPG & PDF file of Grinch Fur Template made for HOGG 20oz Skinny
**NOTE** These are sized to fit on a piece of A4 waterslide paper


* I allow my designs to use for small business use (100 or less times). If you use my design more than that please message me for a special license.

*My designs can NOT be altered in any way. They MUST stay in their original form that they were purchased. You can however add a name or whatever you need to the original design but nothing can be taken away without PRIOR permission from me. This means no word(s) can be changed if applicable.

*You can not redistribute my items digital in any way. My designs can NOT be made into embroidery files and then sold by you. You do NOT have my permission to do so. You can however convert and sell tangible items that you personally make.

*My designs can NOT be uploaded to any POD sites (Print on Demand). This is NOT acceptable.

*It is the buyers full responsibly to search trademarks for his/her country, to see what you can and can not sell. I do a full trademark search for myself and try to keep up to date on trademarks. However, this is fully the buyers responsibility because I do not know what you are selling the design on when you purchase it.

*I do have the right to REVOKE any license I see fit without a refund of any sort.

*I reserve the right to all my designs and I reserve the right to change commercial licensing as I see fit.

*By purchasing my designs you agree to the Commercial Use Tidbits

******* Please note again, there are no refunds on digital downloads.*********

Thank you for visiting my store! And if you are have any questions about any of the above information, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help and I am here for you if any problem ever arises 🙂

See what we made using this svg!